Electricity is, in many ways, the lifeblood of
economies. From powering houses to industries, we need electricity for a lot of
things. Across the world, the population continues to grow rapidly, as does the
rate of industrialization and urbanization. This means more houses, offices,
and factories, which, in turn, means a lot more electricity requirement in the
future than present. Now, generating electricity is one thing, and transmitting
it across vast distances is another, for which cables or wires are
indispensable. To meet the growing need for electrical energy, a large number
of power plants are being constructed and several existing ones renovated and
integrated with advanced technology. The main purpose of equipping the power
plants and supply grids with advanced technology is to improve the overall
energy efficiency, and one of the physical manifestations of this advanced
technology is high-voltage cables.
As the term suggests, high-voltage cables are designed
to carry currents at extremely high voltages, ranging from 72.5 kilovolts (kV)
to more than 400 kV. Earlier, power cables were installed on high towers above
the ground, but in recent times, underground and submarine (below the seabed)
transmission of power has become popular across the world. Not only do the
newer ways of transmission do away with the need to construct towers, but they
also make cable and power theft difficult. Another reason for the rapid
adoption of the underground and submarine power transmission methods is the
growth in the number of offshore electricity generating projects. The need to
reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in a conscious effort to save the
environment is impelling governments across the globe to focus on renewable
energy resources, such as the sun and wind.
An increasing number of wind and solar energy plants
are being constructed off the coast of countries, right in the high seas. To
efficiently transport the energy from the sea to the coast, high-voltage cables
are increasingly being laid under the seabed. Governments of several countries
are investing heavily in renewable electricity projects, which is directly
leading to an increase in the usage of such cables. One of the biggest
advantages such cables provide is reduced energy loss due to the presence of an
additional layer of insulating material. Due to this reason, high-voltage
cables are also being used to transform conventional grids into ‘smart’ grids.
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